Platforma personal cu acoperis pentru lucrul la inaltime pentru 4 persoane
Dimensiuni (L x l x h) : 1400 x 1000 x 2400 mm
Capacitate maxima: 845 kg
Greutate proprie: 345 kg
Imaginile publicate pe magazinul online au titlu de exemplu, iar produsele livrate pot diferi uneori de imeginile prezentate in orice mod (culoare, accesorii, aspect,etc).
Pentru platforme, lucru la inaltime, accesoriile de ridicare si manipulare (lanturi, chei de tachelaj, etc) se achizitioneaza separat, contra cost. Va rugam consultati categoria accesoriilor dorite.
The lifting man basket are designed and produced taking satisfying all the
requirements imposed by the “Essential Safety Requirements”.
Complies with the requirements imposed from:
– Leg. Dec. 09/04/2008 NR. 81, attachement VI, point 3.1.4
Legislative Decree no. 81/2008 prohibits, as a general rule, the use of a
machine for a function for which it has not been designed. Such use is,
however, admitted “in exceptional cases” provided that appropriate security
measures are taken in accordance with good technical provisions.
In this regard, the Ministry of Labor and Social Policies, given that this
provision was introduced in order to guarantee valid safety
conditions for workers in lifting operations carried out with
equipment not provided for this purpose, the Ministry of Labor
and Social Policies believes that it can be applied in the following
› when dealing with emergency situations;
› for activities whose immediate execution is necessary to prevent
dangerous situations, imminent incidents or to arrange rescue measures;
› whenever the performance of any operations required by the specifics of
the site or of the workplace context, the equipment available or reasonably
available on the market does not guarantee greater security conditions.
Lifting people with equipment not specifically provided, only in the cases
indicated, should be carried out in accordance with specific safety procedures
which include a risk analysis, criteria for the most appropriate choice of
equipment to be used, requirements for ancillary equipment to combine
with, the operating modes for the various work phases in which the systems
thus realized are used as well as those for the surveillance and control of one
another and of the others
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